Tiffany Hubbard

Remembering Tiffany Hubbard
Born Into Hell
In 1986, three-year-old Tiffany Hubbard was removed from her mother’s home by Butler County Children’s Services. She was then placed with her father, Jeffrey Hubbard, on September 3, 1986. Prior to placing Tiffany with Jeffrey Hubbard, a psychological evaluation found Hubbard had grown up in a family “filled with conflict and abuse.” He was raised by an alcoholic father and abandoned by his mother. Although Hubbard was not mentally ill, the evaluation stated he is “a very immature and inadequate young man who has substantial underlying anger.” Hubbard also was convicted at age 17 after he molested a seven-year-old girl.
During the 27 days Tiffany was in the custody of her father, she would be savagely beaten and raped by her father on a daily basis. She spent most of her time locked in the bathroom and slept on the cold bathroom floor.
Her father would go into the bathroom regularly and beat Tiffany repeatedly with a wooden board. Jeffrey Hubbard always drank a Dr. Pepper after beating Tiffany because he was so exhausted and sweaty. Hubbard also forced Tiffany to spend all her time in the bathroom with a werewolf mask because he knew it terrified her. The only time she ate was when Hubbard held her head back and forced her to eat uncooked Campbell’s Soup out of the can.
No Remorse
Tiffany did her best to survive. On September 30, 1986, Tiffany died on the dirty bathroom floor from gangrene. The gangrene resulted from the untreated, infected wounds all over Tiffany’s tiny body. When police found Tiffany, she was curled up under the bathroom sink with the werewolf mask and the wooden board next to her. Her body was entirely covered with wounds and bruises. She was so emaciated she looked like a Holocaust victim. It is impossible to comprehend the pain and suffering this little girl experienced in under one month.
After his arrest, Jeffrey Hubbard expressed absolutely no remorse for what he had done to Tiffany. He said he tortured and beat Tiffany to get even with her mother. Hubbard pled guilty to involuntary manslaughter and felonious sexual penetration. He received a sentence of 10 years to Life. In 2003, he was adjudicated a sexual predator, the most dangerous of all sex offenders.