Berlina Wright

Remembering Berlina Wright
A Loving Mother Of Four
Berlena Wright was a kind, tough, hard-working woman who understood the importance of family. Mrs. Wright, a devoted mother of four, sacrificed her dreams for the sake of making sure her children were a priority and not an option. She allowed them to see their way in the world as they grew into adulthood. As time went by Mrs. Wright became peaceful, content, and appreciative of all the successes in her children’s lives. Sadly a horrific crime in 1989 would rob Mrs. Wright of having the opportunity to see her children fulfill their dreams and raise their families, she would also forever be denied the chance of being a loving grandma to her grandchildren.
A Senseless and Violent Murder
On September 1, 1989 Mrs. Wright’s second husband Ronald Wright, who was not the father of her four children, went out for a night of partying with his friend Tyrone White. The two men took Mrs. Wright’s 1976 Chrysler automobile and spent the evening getting high and drunk with friends. At some point during the evening Ronald Wright and Tyrone White got into an argument over a small amount of money. White later left the party under the premise that he was going to get more alcohol and drugs for everyone.
Rather than going to buy drugs and alcohol White drove to the Wright’s apartment where Mrs. Wright was spending a quiet evening at home. Once in the home a fight ensued between Tyrone White and Berlena Wright. White became angry, grabbed an ax handle, and beat Mrs. Wright to death with it. White got back in Mrs. Wright’s Chrysler and fled the scene.
When Tyrone White did not return to the party Mr. Wright got a ride home early the next morning. He arrived home at 5 A.M. and when he went inside the apartment he found his wife on the floor beaten to death. She was not wearing any pants. Mr. Wright called police and thus began a seven year manhunt for Tyrone White.
A Killer On The Run
Tyrone White got a series of lucky breaks after he killed Berlena Wright in Cincinnati Ohio. Two hours after killing Mrs. Wright authorities arrested White in Shelby County Ohio after he stole gasoline from a gas station. White gave a fake name and the car was not yet listed as stolen in the state computer system. Officials charged White with theft under the fake name and he was released. When White didn’t claim the car police learned of the link to Berlena Wright’s murder. White was gone however his fingerprints remained and were forwarded to the FBI.
Police were tracking Mr. White all over the country however technology at the time was slow so fingerprint matches took three to six months to come back with information. By the time the matches came back White had moved again and changed his name. Cincinnati Police got close to catching White in Michigan in 1994 when they got a tip about another alias he was using however they just missed White when then arrived to arrest him.
The Cincinnati violent crimes task force, who had been tracking White for years, finally caught a break in March 1996 when they discovered a fingerprint match after White was arrested for a minor offense in West Virginia. Authorities traced White to a public housing development in Charleston, West Virginia. On March 6, 1996 Tyrone White’s luck ran out when Charleston police arrested him as he left his apartment. White was brought back to Cincinnati and was charged with aggravated murder as well as the lessor charge of murder for killing Berlena Wright. He was also charged with grand theft for stealing her automobile.
A Plea Deal Nets A Life Sentence
Authorities believed White intended to rob and rape Mrs. Wright as retribution for the fight earlier in the evening with Mrs. Wright’s husband. After the arrest Assistant Hamilton County Prosector John Arnold stated, “It’s probably one of the worst beating homicides I’ve ever seen.” White said he remembered beating Mrs. Wright to death however he could not remember raping her and had no explanation as to why her pants had been removed.
Rather than go to trial Tyrone White opted to plead guilty to murder for killing Berlena Wright as well as grand theft for stealing her automobile. He received a sentence of 15 years to life for the murder charge, along with a two year concurrent sentence for the grand theft charge.
A Highly Questionable Parole
While Tyrone White has no major rule infractions in recent years his commitment to rehabilitation is completely inadequate. According to parole board records although White has been in prison 24 years he has not completed a mental health program. Over two decades later he also has not taken the victim’s awareness class. Nothing in the Ohio Parole Board records indicates White has taken any responsibility for his crime or shown any remorse for his actions.
Of greater concern is the logic behind the reason to grant tentative parole to Tyrone White in August 2020.
The parole board records in 2017 state, “Given the nature of the crime, as well as his [White’s] conduct, he [White] is not suitable for release.” The records go on to state “There is substantial reason to believe that due to the serious nature of the crime, the release of the inmate into society would create undue risk to public safety, or that due to the serious nature of the crime, the release of the inmate would not further the interest of justice or be consistent with the welfare and security of society.”
Three years later in July 2020 The Ohio Parole Board voted 6-0 to release White despite the fact the records state, “Since his last hearing in 2017 the offender has not taken any additional risk related programming.” The parole board also cites White’s age and health as a reason for release. It is unclear why the parole board opted to release a potentially dangerous inmate three years later when little has changed and he has made no additional efforts to rehabilitate himself to reduce his risk to commit another violent crime.
To make matters worse, Berlena Wright’s son Tyrone, who has been adamantly opposing White’s release for 24 years, was never notified of the decision to grant White parole. According to victim’s services they sent a letter however it was never received. Although victim’s services had spoken to Mrs. Wright’ son by phone one month prior to the parole, and had his phone number and email address, they opted to mail a letter even though it is well known there are ongoing issues with mail delivery.
A Son’s Fight
My name is Tyrone DuBose and I am the son of Berlena Wright. Since 1989, it is been my sole mission to make sure that the man who murdered my Mother was brought to justice, and pays for it by spending the rest of his life in prison. I made a promise to this murderer that every time he came up for parole, I would be there to block it. Although we were unable to keep Tyrone White in prison, I appreciate each of you helping me in my efforts to keep this monster off the streets and get justice for my mom. Love and blessings to all of you.
UPDATE: Parole was granted for murderer Tyrone White and he was released to a nursing home on December 20, 2020. Per Roberta’s Law White will be under supervision for five years. While we continue to believe White’s release does not further the interests of justice, we hope he is rehabilitated and will commit no further crimes. Thank you to everyone who submitted a petition to oppose his parole. Please keep the family of Berlena Wright in your thoughts and prayers. Rest In Peace Mrs. Wright. You will never be forgotten.