Timothy Hall
Victim: Hubert Campbell
Case Summary
Timothy Hall, who has a history of severe mental issues, brutally beat and stabbed Hubert Campbell to death. Hall openly confessed to killing Mr. Campbell and told police, “It was a new experience and I loved it.” Hall also remains the prime suspect in the kidnapping and murder of 16-year-old John Muncy. Muncy’s mutilated body was found in four trash bags and, according to a police detective working the case, “It looked like he [Muncy] was dismembered with a butter knife.” Hall has never been charged with Muncy’s murder and is now regularly up for parole.
Hubert Campbell's Story
A Brutal and Sadistic Murder
On December 1, 1983, Timothy Hall went to the house of 50-year old Hubert Campbell. Campbell, who was blind, knew Hall from the neighborhood. Campbell did not want Hall in his home, however he felt sorry for him and let him in.
Prior to going to Hubert Campbell’s home, Hall had dinner with Campbell’s son and Campbell’s son’s girlfriend. During the dinner, Hall talked about running away from the state mental institution, wrecking a police cruiser, and he stated that, had he known there was a shotgun in the trunk of the cruiser, that he would have shot and killed some police officers.
Shortly after allowing Hall into his home, Hubert Campbell became afraid of Hall because of the way he was acting. At 12:10 a.m. on December 2, 1983, Hubert Campbell called Columbus Police to remove Timothy Hall from his residence. As police removed him from the home, Hall stated to Campbell, “You’ll pay for this.”
In the early morning hours of December 2, 1983, Hall came back to Campbell’s house. Once again, Campbell felt sorry for Hall and let him in. After Hall arrived, Campbell had a phone conversation with Hall’s aunt. Campbell stated he was afraid of Hall, however he did not want to put him out in the cold.
Campbell gave Hall coffee and cigarettes. Hall then went upstairs despite Hubert Campbell’s wishes. Hall stated he went upstairs to find a girl “who was into witchcraft or something.” According to Hall, the girl was killed and burned by Hubert Campbell, and he went upstairs to get the box containing her ashes. Hall states he was going to get the ashes and try to put the girl back together.
When Hall came back downstairs, a fight ensued. Hall grabbed Campbell and bit his head. Then Hall began unmercifully beating Hubert Campbell. Campbell somehow managed to crawl under a table. Hall threw over the table and began beating Hall with a table leg that had broken off the table. Hall then got a knife and slit Campbell’s throat. When it was all over, Campbell would suffer 20 stab wounds and 42 blows from blunt objects. Hall also poured hot coffee on Campbell’s head and dumped flower pot dirt all over his body. Campbell suffered until he eventually bled to death.
A Terrifying Confession
Hall was arrested shortly after murdering Hubert Campbell when a gas station attendant called police after Hall locked himself in a dark restroom for twenty minutes. When police found Hall, he was covered in dried blood. Hall claimed the blood was from a cut on his hand. The police officers asked him why there was so much blood from the cut and Hall responded, “How do you know it’s my blood?” Hall then gave police Hubert Campbell’s phone number to call. When there was no answer, Hall told police, “He’s fifty years old and probably dead. He’s over the hill.”
Police went to Campbell’s home and found him dead on the living room floor. Hall was arrested for the murder of Hubert Campbell and immediately confessed to the crime. Some notable points of the confession:
- Hall stated: “See, then I just kept beatin’ him. Then I poured hot water on his head. Took the hot coffee pot and put down his pants and his shirt.” When police asked Hall why he did this, he stated, “Just to hurt him. Make him hurt worse.”
- In regards to the murder, Hall stated, “Do me good just to sit here and think about it. I don’t regret doin’ it.”
- Hall told police: “Well, I think it was the first time. It was a new experience and I loved it.”
- Referring to lifting up the table, Hall states: “Flipped it up and grabbed him. Or grabbed him by his hair and just started boom, boom, boom. Bustin’ him boom, boom, boom.”
- When asked if Hall knew where Campbell kept his gun, Hall stated: “I don’t know. I didn’t need no gun. Looks like I done a good enough job without one.”
- When questioned as to whether Hall took anything from the house, Hall stated: “Besides the cigarettes, coffee and his life. That’s all I took.”
A three-judge panel convicted Hall of murder and gave him a life sentence.
Strong Opposition To Parole
According to retired Judge Dale Crawford (one of the judges on three-judge panel):
“Mr. Hall was spared the death penalty solely because he had some mental issues that were weighed in his favor when death was considered.”
Retired Judge Crawford also states:
“I am not aware of Mr. Hall’s record in the institution or his present mental condition but I believe, based upon his past violent history, he continues to be a threat to this community and should never be released.”
Former Franklin County Prosecutor Michael Miller, who was the Franklin County Prosecutor when Hall was convicted, states:
“I believe his [Hall’s] release would be very dangerous due to his tendency to violently erupt with terrifying consequences.”
Current Franklin County Prosecutor Ron O’Brien states:
“Hall entered an insanity plea that was rejected by the three judge panel that heard the case and convicted him. Although insanity was not a defense to the crime, it was clear that Hall suffered from mental illnesses, and does to this day, which raise public safety issues should he be released.”
John Anthony Muncy

In addition to murdering Hubert Campbell, Hall was also a prime suspect in the murder of 16-year-old John Anthony Muncy, who was last seen on October 15, 1983 in the evening hours at the York Plaza Movie Theatre in Columbus, Ohio. Muncy was dismembered and his body was found in four trash bags. According to a detective working on the case today, the crime scene photos are horrific. He states, “It looked like he [Muncy] was dismembered with a butter knife”.
Evidence leading authorities to Hall included witnesses placing Hall with John Muncy the day he was killed, a shirt believed to be Hall’s that was found with the body, and the fact Hall bore injuries after Muncy was killed. In addition, a psychiatric report done while Hall was awaiting trial for the murder of Hubert Campbell stated, “Hall has been heard carrying on loud conversations with someone named ‘John,’ where there is no observable person anywhere in the area of his cell.”
John Muncy’s case was closed in April 2020 when the Delaware Ohio County Sheriff’s office claimed they identified DNA that belonged to another suspect, who is now deceased, at the crime scene. We believe it is very likely that this suspect was there when John Muncy was murdered. However based on our conversations with former detectives in both cases we maintain our position that Timothy Hall is the prime suspect in the murder of John Muncy.
Poor Rehabilitation
According to records obtained from the Ohio Parole Board, Timothy Hall has done almost nothing while in prison to warrant parole.
- In 2001, the records state “Prison conduct has been less than satisfactory.”
- Hall’s records indicate that, in the last 25 years, Hall has taken only three classes: Life Management, Social Skills, and Hygiene and Men. Hall has taken none of the classes recommended by the parole board, which includes victim awareness, anger management and mental health programs. Hall also has not gotten a recommended GED (equivalent of high school diploma). He has not taken any classes since 2001.
- In 2008, the parole board records state, “Inmate has demonstrated ongoing mental health difficulties. He is currently compliant with his medication, and has cooperated with the mental health staff in preparing reports for the Parole Board. However, his mental health difficulties continue to present a risk to parole success.”
No Parole
Timothy Hall represents the worst of the worst. He possesses a deadly combination of pure evil and insanity. Hall brutally killed a defenseless 50-year-old blind man and remains a prime suspect in the horrific murder and dismemberment of a 16-year-old boy. Timothy Hall is a sociopath and has never shown any remorse for his crime. Hall also has no respect for authority and openly admits he would have no problem killing police officers. In addition, Hall has done nothing in the last 25 years to rehabilitate himself. The only safe place to keep Timothy Hall is in prison, where he can be monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Releasing Timothy Hall into the community is the equivalent of playing Russian Roulette with a loaded gun. To protect society and to further the interests of justice, Hall should be required to serve his maximum sentence of LIFE in prison.
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