Michele Williams
Victim: Greg Williams
Case Summary
Greg Williams was shot to death by his wife, Michele Williams, while he was taking a nap. Michele Williams, who was cheating on Greg, shot him to get a $300,000 payout from his life insurance policy. Originally, Michelle blamed the crime on a mystery man, however she eventually admitted to killing Greg in order to obtain a reduced murder charge, which resulted in an 18-year to life sentence.
Fulfilling Dreams
Greg and Michele Williams appeared to have a close and loving relationship. By all accounts, they were living the American dream. Greg met Michele while he was pursuing an accounting degree at The Ohio State University. Michele was a marketing major. They were college sweethearts and married after Michelle graduated college in 1992.

Greg had a lot of ambition. He was a competitive swimmer all throughout high school. After graduating, Greg decided he wanted to serve his country. He immediately joined the U.S. Air Force and spent four years there. Greg then returned to Columbus, Ohio to pursue his degree in accounting from The Ohio State University. He worked the entire time he attended college in order to pay his tuition. After receiving his accounting degree, Greg set his sights on becoming a CPA with a big firm. He achieved this goal when he landed a job with Deloitte & Touche in Denver, Colorado. Greg and Michele were avid skiers, so relocating to Denver was a perfect opportunity. Greg became a Senior Assistant Accountant for Deloitte & Touche. The future looked bright for Greg and Michele.
During his time in Colorado, Greg and his brother Geoff often discussed the possibility of opening a pesticide and extermination business together. After spending 18 months in Denver, Greg and Michele decided to move back home to Columbus. Greg and Michele missed their families, and Greg decided he was going to pursue the business with Geoff. A family friend said they both were excited about moving back to their home town. The dream of opening his own business would never happen for Greg Williams.
Premeditated Murder
In late September, Greg and Michele moved back to Columbus, Ohio. On Thursday, September 30, 1993, Greg decided to take a nap after a long morning of moving. Greg lay down on the couch and fell asleep. He never woke up. Greg was shot 3 times in the chest while he was sleeping. Greg was rushed to Riverside Hospital. Doctors were unable to save him. Greg and Michele had only been in Columbus for one day when Greg was killed.
Michele told police she saw a white male in a maintenance uniform with a tool belt come in and shoot her husband. She said the man then ran out the back door. This seemed plausible until Michele gave conflicting stories to police. She first told police that she was upstairs unpacking when she heard the shots and ran downstairs. Then she told detectives that she was in the kitchen. Investigators began to consider Michele Williams as a suspect.
After searching the Williams home, police found the handgun used to kill Greg hidden in a duffel bag. They determined the gun was purchased in Denver two weeks before Greg and Michele moved back to Columbus. Police also found three shell casings in Michele’s purse. In addition, they found a letter from Michele to a secret boyfriend back in Denver. Police questioned her boyfriend and immediately ruled him out as a suspect in Greg’s murder. During the investigation, Police found that while in Denver, Michele had purchased a magazine called Paladin Press. The magazine detailed how to assassinate, change identities, killing techniques, as well as providing information on poisons. Based on the evidence, it became clear this was a cold, calculated, premeditated murder committed by Michele Williams.

The only question that remained was, why would Michele murder Greg? Greg was an easygoing, kind person. If Michele wanted a divorce, he would have been sad, however he also would have wanted her to be happy. He would have agreed to the divorce. The motive became clear after investigators looked over Greg’s insurance policy with his former employer. Police learned that the shooting took place just ten hours before Gregory’s life insurance policy was set to expire. Michele was the sole beneficiary of Gregory’s life insurance policy worth $300,000.
A Guilty Plea
Michele was arrested for Greg’s murder. Officers accused her of being a bad actress when she feigned illness five times during her vastly publicized arrest. Her well planned and rehearsed fainting spells became media fodder throughout her trial.
Initially, Michele pleaded not guilty to the fatal shooting of her husband, Greg. Michele knew she was facing life in prison for aggravated murder, along with a 3-year gun specification charge. Michele was released on electronic house arrest. She was ordered to stay at her parents’ home with the exception of meeting with her attorneys. Michele would not waver from her original story that claimed a maintenance man had shot her husband.
Michele knew the evidence against her was overwhelming. On May 12, 1994, Michele stood before a judge and confessed to shooting her husband, Greg, in order to get a reduced charge of murder. Michele provided no reason for the murder. According the her boyfriend, Michele was unhappy because Greg did not pay enough attention to her and was not supportive of her career. The judge sentenced Michelle Williams to 15 years to life in prison plus a 3-year gun specification.
No Parole
Michele Williams is a cold-blooded murderer who has served only the minimum 18 years of her life sentence. She took the life of a brother, a son and a friend to many. She has never shown remorse for her actions and still refuses to accept full responsibility for her crime. Greg will never get the chance to spend the holidays with his family, know what it is like to have children or achieve his goal of having a business with his brother. We believe releasing Michele Williams at this time would be an injustice to Greg Williams and his family. In addition, releasing her at this time would present a serious risk to the public. Based on the facts of this case, and the fact Michele Williams has served only her minimum sentence, we believe to further the interests of justice, Michele Williams should be denied parole.
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