Michael Eckels
Victim: Mia Russell
Case Summary
Tired of dealing with her abusive and jealous boyfriend, Michael Eckels, Mia Russell decided it was time to move on with her life. After an argument about Mia wanting to move out of their apartment, Eckels shot Mia once in the back. He then stood over her and shot her three more times at point blank range as she lay on the ground. Mia would die from her injuries and Eckels would be sentenced to life in prison for his hideous crime.
Mia Russell's Story
UPDATE: Despite over 1500 petitions submitted on behalf of Mia Russell, as well as strong opposition from our organization and Mia’s family, brutal murderer Michael Eckels was released from prison on February 3, 2020. Per Roberta’s Law he will be under supervision for five years. We hold both The Ohio Parole Board and Athens County Prosecutor Kellar J. Blackburn fully responsible for this murderer’s release. Mr. Blackburn’s refusal to attend the parole hearing and his horrible treatment of Mia’s parents was appalling and unacceptable. We hope Mr. Eckels is rehabilitated however based on the horrific nature of the crime and his questionable remorse we continue believe he remains a threat to the community.
A Cold-Blooded Murder

Mia Russell, 21, and her boyfriend, Michael Eckels, 21, had only been living together for a few months. During that time, Mia began to see Eckels’ true colors. He was extremely jealous and extremely controlling. He also was abusive. When Mia’s father learned of the abuse, Mr. Russell and Eckels had a talk. Mr. Russell told Eckels if he touched Mia again, he would have to deal with him. Eckels promised he would not touch Mia again. A few weeks later, Mr. Russell would have to bury his only daughter.
On August 15, 1992, Mia and Eckels were at the Athens County Fair. At some point, an argument ensued over Mia Russell’s friendships with other men and the fact that she wanted to move out of the couple’s apartment. After the fight, Mia and Eckels split up and went their separate ways.
When Mia arrived home later that evening, Eckels was already there. The fight continued in the house. Neighbors reported hearing a basketball bouncing against the wall. It was later learned that the sound was Eckels beating Mia’s head against the wall. Mia broke away and said she was going to call police. After a brief silence, Mia ran out of the apartment and screamed “No, Mike! You’re crazy!” Eckels grabbed a shotgun and followed Mia out of the house. When Mia reached the sidewalk, Eckels shot her in the back. Eckels then approached Mia and stood over her with the shotgun. Mia put up her hands to protect herself. Eckels fired the shotgun and blew one of Mia’s hands off. He then fired two more shots into Mia’s chest. He then fired a fatal shot into Mia’s head.

An Unremorseful Killer Gets Life
After the shooting, Eckels fled the scene and went to a gas station to call his father. Eckels’ father convinced him to turn himself into police. After Eckels’ arrest, he refused to take any responsibility for his actions. He blamed Mia for fighting with him. He claimed the gun went off accidentally, which explained the gunshot in Mia’s back. As for the remaining four shots, he had no explanation. Eckels stated, “The next thing I knew, the gun had gone off, and I saw Mia falling. I don’t remember anything about the other shots.”
Rather than go to trial and face a charge of aggravated ,Eckels chose to plead guilty to the lesser charge of murder. Michael Eckels was sentenced from 15 years to life in prison.
The only thing Mia Russell was guilty of was wanting to get herself out of an abusive and controlling relationship. That decision ended up costing Mia her life.
The Russell family has not heard from Eckels since the murder. No explanation, no apology.
No Parole
Michael Eckels has never expressed any remorse for his crimes to Mia’s family. In addition, he has still not taken full responsibility for his actions. We believe releasing Michael Eckels would present a serious risk to Mia’s family and the community. Releasing Eckels after serving only 19 years of his LIFE sentence would not further the interests of justice and would deny justice to Mia Russell. Based on these facts and that Michael Eckels brutally murdered a defenseless woman in cold blood, we believe Michael Eckels should be required to serve his maximum sentence of LIFE in prison for his brutal and senseless crime.
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