Henry Gargano
Victim: Det. Sgt. John Nagle; Police Officer Anthony Perri
Case Summary
Detective Sergeant John Nagle and Patrolman Anthony Perri of the Northlake Police Department were gunned down outside The Northlake Bank by three armed bandits. Those men were later identified as Ronald Del Raine, Henry Michael Gargano and Clifton O. Daniels. Del Raine, Gargano and Daniels were career criminals who attempted to kill two Canton, Ohio police officers weeks before killing Det. Sgt. Nagle and Officer Perry. All three killers pled guilty to murder and were sentenced to 199 years in prison. Daniels died in prison in 1999, Gargano died in prison in 2011, and Del Raine died in prison in 2012.
UPDATE: Cop killer Ronald Del Raine died in federal prison on May 27, 2012 and cop killer Henry Gargano died in federal prison on October 13, 2011. Thank you to everyone who submitted a petition and helped ensure that both of these inmates served their full sentences. Justice has been served.
A Robbery Gone Bad

On October 27, 1967 a bank teller at The Northlake Bank activated an alarm when she saw three people wearing ski masks running into the bank. The alarm rang to Northlake Police Department, which was about a block away from the bank.
Del Raine, Gargano and Clifton – armed with carbine and several small automatic weapons – held 15 employees and seven customers at gunpoint. One of the robbers entered the vault and filled a bag with money, and a second one forced tellers to empty their drawers of money into another bag. The robbery reportedly netted about $83,000.
Not even two minutes after entering the bank, one of the gunman saw a police car with Perri and Patrolman Michael Cain inside. The police cruiser pulled into the parking lot with its red lights flashing.
Without warning, the three robbers charged the glass doors and fired through them at the two police officers.
One of the bullets shattered a window of the squad car. Four bullets struck Perri as he crawled out of the car with his shotgun. Lying on the ground, Perri was shot again in the head at close range by one of the gunmen.
Nagle and Patrolman Earnest Hustedt pulled up in another squad car. Both officers were sprayed with bullets. Nagle was fatally shot in the head and abdomen as he stood next to his car.
Gargano and Daniels escaped in a getaway car driven by a female accomplice. Del Raine was shot in the right arm and was taken to the hospital. Gargano and Clifton were captured four days later in Indiana. They were all charged with murder and all pled guilty and were sentenced to 199 years in prison.

Perri was survived by his widow, Antoinette, a son; a daughter; his mother; a brother; and seven sisters. He was buried in Queen of Heaven Cemetery.
Sgt. Nagle was survived by his widow, Marlene; three sons; and his father and mother. He was buried also at Queen of Heaven Cemetery.
Life of Crime
Del Raine, Gargano and Clifton were all career criminals. Del Raine had already served prison time for robbery, burglary, armed robbery, assault and interstate transportation of firearms by a felon prior to the murders of Sgt. Nagle and Officer Perri. Gargano spent his entire adult life either in prison or on parole.
Two weeks prior to murdering Sgt. Nagle and Officer Perri, Del Raine and Gargano attempted to kill Canton, Ohio Police Officers Nick Nitzu and Earl Schoenman. On Friday, October 13, 1967, Del Raine and Gargano were on parole and armed with guns. They went into the Canton A& P Store in hopes of committing yet another robbery. While the robbers were holding the clerk and customers at gunpoint, Officer Nitzu and Officer Schoenman drove up in their police cruiser. Gargano and Del Raine saw the police officers and started shooting at them. Nitzu took a bullet to the back and Schoenman suffered five gunshot wounds. Gargano and Del Raine then fled the scene. Officers Nitzu and Schoenman were rushed to the hospital, and they both survived. Charges were never filed due to the fact no one believed Gargano and Del Raine would ever be granted parole after they killed Detective Sergeant Nagle and Officer Perri.
One Dead, Two Eligible For Parole

One of the cop killers, Clifton O. Davis, died in prison.
Unbelievably, the second cop killer, Henry Michael Gargano, was granted parole by The U.S. Parole Commission. Neither the officers families nor the Northlake Police Department was notified of the parole hearing. The Northlake Police Department adamantly opposed Gargano’s release. Gargano’s parole has now been postponed pending a “special consideration hearing” to consider new “adverse information.”
The third cop killer, Ronald Del Raine, faces his next parole hearing in 2012.
No Parole
Henry Michael Gargano and Ronald Del Raine are the worst of the worst. They will not hesitate to kill police officers and have no problem endangering the lives of innocent victims. Both have spent their entire lives committing crimes. They have been given multiple opportunities to rehabilitate themselves and failed every time. Paroling either of these vicious cop killers would be a slap in the face to Sgt. Nagle, Patrolman Perri, and Canton Police Officers Nitzu and Schoenman. Releasing either of these inmates would also be an injustice to all law enforcement officers who risk their lives each day. Allowing these inmates to walk free would undoubtedly present a serious risk to public safety. We believe inmates Gargano and Del Raine should serve the original maximum prison term of 199 years for these senseless, brutal crimes.
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