George Walker
Victim: Police Officer Gary Streeter
Case Summary
George Walker’s crimes include attempting to kill a pregnant gas station attendant, attempting to kill a police officer, and opening fire on 40 people during a restaurant robbery. Although he was sentenced to a minimum of 138 years in prison, Walker has been released three times and was returned to prison each time for violating his parole.
Police Officer Gary Streeter's Story
UPDATE: Despite our protests, attempted cop killer George Walker was granted parole for a third time and was released on September 8, 2021. Three months later Walker was listed as a violator “at-large” and was wanted for once again violating his parole. We contacted The Columbus Dispatch and two days after the article appeared in the newspaper Walker was arrested by The Columbus Ohio Police SWAT team. Walker was returned to prison for violating his parole. He will be eligible for parole again in April 2024 .
Two Violent Robberies
On January 21, 1987, George Walker and two accomplices held up a 17th Avenue gas station.
During the robbery, Walker shot at one of the attendants, a pregnant female. Fortunately, the bullet did not hit the victim. Walker and his accomplices then put the other attendant in a storage closet.
After fleeing the gas station, Walker and his accomplices stormed the Clarmont restaurant with guns blazing.
In addition to the Clarmont workers, 40 patrons were in the restaurant.
When shots were fired inside the restaurant, patrons began ducking for cover and running for the door.
One of the employees tripped a silent alarm, which sent Columbus Police Officer Gary Streeter to the scene.
Police Officer Narrowly Escapes Death
The suspects fled out a rear exit. There, they were met by Officer Streeter. Walker then fired multiple shots into Officer Streeter’s cruiser. Streeter states today he was shocked he was not shot and killed that night.

Streeter called for backup and Walker was arrested under a porch. A pistol and sawed off shotgun believed to have been used in the robbery were found nearby.
“We don’t appreciate people shooting at police officers in this city.”
Walker went to trial and was convicted by a jury of the following:
- Felonious Assault x 1 (For attempting to kill the pregnant gas station attendant)
- Felonious Assault x 1 (For attempting to kill Columbus Police Officer Gary Streeter)
- Kidnapping x 1 (For locking the 2nd gas station attendant in a storage closet)
- Aggravated Robbery x 6 (for the gas station and Clarmont Restaurant robberies)
Walker was sentenced to 138 to 214 years in prison.
At sentencing, Judge Lewis E. Williams told Walker he wanted the word to go out that the court will not deal lightly with people who fire guns during the commission of crimes, particularly those who do not drop their weapons when police arrive on the scene. Williams stated after sentencing, “We don’t appreciate people shooting at police officers in this city.”
Prior to being convicted of the most recent crimes, Walker had a court record reflecting convictions for aggravated robbery, forgery, attempted forgery and receiving stolen property. He was out of jail on bond while awaiting possible indictment on a charge of receiving stolen property when he committed his violent acts.
Walker gets paroled…Twice
Somehow, Walker was paroled in 2006.
Shortly thereafter, he was brought back in for violating the conditions of his release. This included failure to enter and successfully complete a substance abuse program, and being in possession of an ornate metal knife, crack pipe and marijuana roach.
Unbelievably, the Ohio Parole Board released Walker AGAIN! Walker again violated parole and spent several months as a WANTED FUGITIVE until he was captured in Texas.
The parole records indicate that, after being returned to prison for a third time, Walker received new criminal convictions while incarcerated. The details of these new crimes are not provided.
According to his parole documents, Walker has finally taken some classes to address his criminal behavior. Considering it took Walker three decades to take these classes and the fact he previously “Refused to participate” in any courses, we question the motives behind Walker’s sudden interest in his rehabilitation.
No Parole
Violent criminals who attempt to kill pregnant women, police officers, and who open fire in restaurants packed with innocent people should never be paroled. George Walker is fortunate he did not kill anyone, as he could have found himself on death row. He should not be released as a result of this miracle. Walker has now been given TWO opportunities to turn his life around. He has failed miserably both times and has committed criminal acts after being returned to prison as a parole violator.
Releasing George Walker on parole for a third time would be the equivalent of placing a ticking time bomb on the streets. Releasing Walker would be a complete injustice to Columbus Police Officer Gary Streeter and all Walker’s victims. It would also demean the seriousness of Walker’s multiple violent offenses. We believe George Walker should be required to serve his maximum prison term of 214 years for his senseless, brutal crimes. We urge the Ohio Parole to give Walker the maximum continuance of ten years at all future parole hearings.
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