Donald Green
Victim: Deputy Sheriff Randal Richter
Case Summary
On May 22, 1975, Deputy Sheriff Randall Richter responded to a call about a suspicious vehicle. As he approached the driver side window, Donald Green, who was sitting in the driver’s seat, shot Deputy Richter in the face at point blank range. Green pled guilty to aggravated murder to avoid the death penalty and was sentenced to Life in prison with the possibility of parole.
Deputy Sheriff Randal Richter's Story
UPDATE: Cop killer Donald Green died in prison on September 21, 2017. Thank you to everyone who submitted a petition to help ensure he fulfilled his full Life sentence. Justice has been served.
A Senseless Shooting
In the early morning hours on Thursday May 22, 1975, the Montgomery County, Ohio Sheriff’s Office received a call regarding a suspicious vehicle parked in front of a home in a residential neighborhood. The dispatcher reported the call to Deputy Sheriff Randal Richter. Deputy Richter arrived at the scene and radioed the license plate number in to the sheriff’s office. Deputy Richter then got out of his cruiser and walked over to the driver side window of the vehicle. As soon as Officer Richter approached the drive side window, he was shot at point blank range in the face. The suspect then fled the scene.

A civilian, who heard the shot, walked outside and found Deputy Richter on the ground a few yards away from the vehicle. His gun was still in his holster. The civilian used Deputy Richter’s radio to call the Sheriff’s office and reported that Deputy Richter had been shot. Deputy Richter was rushed to the hospital. He was pronounced dead on arrival.
Deputy Richter had served with the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office for 18 months.
Mandatory Life Sentence
Police determined the license plate number called in by Deputy Richter before he was shot belonged to Donald Green. Green was on parole after a robbery conviction. After a statewide manhunt, Green was arrested and charged with the murder of Deputy Richter. Green admitted he shot Deputy Richter, however he stated the gun went off accidentally when he tried to throw it out the window. He told authorities he threw the gun in a river.
Green, who likely realized no jury would believe his implausible alibi, decided to plead guilty to aggravated murder to avoid the death penalty. He received a mandatory sentence of life in prison.
No Parole
Donald Green brutally murdered Deputy Sheriff Randal Richter for absolutely no reason. Deputy Richter did not even have time to reach for his gun. Green then left Deputy Richter to die alone in the street. In addition, Green was on parole when he shot Deputy Richter in cold blood. Releasing Donald Green would be a slap in the face to the Richter family and would deny justice for Deputy Sheriff Randal Richter. We believe placing Inmate Green back on the streets would create a serious risk for law enforcement and the community. Based on these facts, and the fact Donald Green murdered Deputy Randal Richter in the line of duty, we believe Donald Green should serve his maximum sentence of LIFE in prison for his brutal, senseless crime.
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